README for GWAMA meta-analyses (performed for European, African, Hispanic/Latino, and East Asian specific, as well as trans-ethnic analyses (to obtain effect estimates)) Columns: rs_number - unique marker identification across input files (chromosome:position_allele1_allele2, with alleles listed in lexicographical order or based on indel length) reference_allele - Effect allele other_allele - Non effect allele eaf - effect allele frequency beta - Overall effect size/beta value for meta-analysis se - standard error beta_95L - Lower 95% CI for beta beta_95U - Upper 95% CI for beta z - Z-score p-value - Meta-analysis p-value _-log10_p-value - Absolut value of logarithm of meta-analysis p-value to the base of 10. q_statistic - Cochran's heterogeneity statistic q_p-value - Cochran's heterogeneity statistic's p-value i2 - Heterogeneity index I2 by Higgins et al 2003 n_studies - Number of studies with marker present n_samples - Number of samples with marker present effects - Summary of effect directions ('+' - positive effect of reference allele, '-' - negative effect of reference allele,'?' - missing data) README for MR-MEGA meta-analyses (main trans-ethnic analyses) Columns: MarkerName - unique marker identification across input files (Chromosome:Position_allele1_allele2, with alleles listed in lexicographical order or based on indel length) Chromosome - Marker chromosome Position - Marker position (base pair), build 37 EA - Effect allele NEA - Non effect allele EAF - average effect allele frequency (weighted by the samplesize of each input file) Nsample - total number of samples Ncohort - total number of cohorts, where the marker was present Effects - effect direction across cohorts (+ positive effect of effect allele, '-' - negative effect of effect allele,'?' - missing data) beta_0 - effect of intercept meta-regression se_0 - standard error of intercept meta-regression beta_1 - effect of first PC of meta-regression se_1 - standard error of the effect of first PC of meta-regression beta_2 - effect of second PC of meta-regression se_2 - standard error of the effect of second PC of meta-regression beta_3 - effect of fourth PC of meta-regression se_3 - standard error of the effect of fourth PC of meta-regression beta_4 - effect of fourth PC of meta-regression se_4 - standard error of the effect of fourth PC of meta-regression chisq_association - chisq value of the association ndf_association - number of degrees of freedom of the association P.value_association - p-value of the association chisq_ancestry_het - chisq value of the heterogeneity due to different ancestry ndf_ancestry_het - ndf of the heterogeneity due to different ancestry P.value_ancestry_het - p-value of the heterogeneity due to different ancestry chisq_residual_het - chisq value of the residual heterogeneity ndf_residual_het - ndf of the residual heterogeneity P.value_residual_het - p-value of the residual heterogeneity lnBF - log of Bayes factor Comments - reason why marker was not analysed (blank for our analysis) Please note that p-values in the uploaded MR-MEGA results have been corrected as suggested by MR-MEGA creators using the script below in R data$P.value_association <- pchisq(data$chisq_association, data$ndf_association, lower.tail=FALSE) data$P.value_ancestry_het <- pchisq(data$chisq_ancestry_het, data$ndf_ancestry_het, lower.tail=FALSE) data$P.value_residual_het <- pchisq(data$chisq_residual_het, data$ndf_residual_het, lower.tail=FALSE) UK Biobank South Asian analysis The only South Asian participants in our BCX analyses were from UK Biobank, so these results are presented separately (single cohort, not a meta-analysis) and are included as a contributing cohort to the trans-ethnic analyses. Columns: cptid- Chromosome:Position ID STRAND - strand, + or - EFFECT_ALLELE - effect allele OTHER_ALLELE - non-effect allele EAF - effect allele frequency IMPUTATION - imputation rsq (metric of imputation quality) BETA - effect size SE - standard error of effect size PVAL - p-value N - number of samples MAC - minor allele count Unique_ID- unique marker identification across input files (Chromosome:Position_allele1_allele2, with alleles listed in lexicographical order or based on indel length) CHR - Marker chromosome BP- Marker position (base pair), build 37 Chromosome - Marker chromosome Position - Marker position (base pair), build 37